Suction catheter
It is a medical device used to extract bodily secretions like mucus, saliva, and other debris that are obstructing the person’s breathing. Unlike an intercostal catheter, it is not inserted into the chest cavity but is attached to the upper airway, trachea, and main bronchi to extract the waste.
So how does this works? The process is simple, and we need to attach the catheter to the aspirator or canister; after attaching it completely, we can use the other end of the tube to extract the secretions.
How long does the suction procedure last?
The suction procedure does not last more than a couple of minutes. The suction is applied for a maximum of 10 to 15 seconds. Then the patient is allowed to take a rest for about 30-60 seconds. The process may last longer depending on the amount of debris.
Uses of the Suction catheter
A suction catheter is considered to be the most versatile medical equipment in a supply bag. Some of the key function of Suction catheter are enlisted below:
- Aspiration prevention and treatment
It can be used to prevent aspiration in a patient who is undergoing dental treatment. Patients at higher risks of aspiration, such as those with continuous vomiting, bloody airways, or pneumonia, may need suction to prevent aspiration.
- Maintaining patent airway
Suction catheters can help in maintaining the patent’s airway. Thus lowering the risks that are associated with anesthesia, especially with the patients that suffer from respiratory disorders or higher risks of aspiration
- Management of chronic respiratory conditions
Many chronic respiratory conditions increase the risks of aspiration, secondary respiratory infections, and pneumonia. A Suction catheter can be used to clear up the airway in such patients.
- Treatment of the respiratory emergencies
When it comes to respiratory emergencies, emergency suctioning can prove to be a lifesaver in many cases. Suctioning can prevent patients from choking, especially when the airway may get closed because of inflammation or swelling.
- Pediatric airway management
One of the most common life-threatening conditions seen in pediatric patients is respiratory emergencies. These patients may require immediate suction to support breathing. Some infants and children with a respiratory infection, neurological conditions, or choking episodes might need suction to impede normal breathing.
- Artificial airways
Some patients might need artificial airways to clear up the airway secretions. Some might even need suction at regular intervals.